If you can't find your answer here, please visit Customer service.

  • Which software packages can I order through Shopz?

    A: A wide variety of packages can be ordered through Shopz, including both software products and software service, but not all packages are available to all users, or in all operating environments. For example, service orders are available in some countries that do not yet support product orders. Only those package types supported for your user ID will be displayed when you are creating a new software order.

  • May I order new products for my system, or just those that I already have licensed?

    A: You may order any products in the product catalog. When you place an order which requires a new license, the order is routed to the IBM order center where the new license will be processed.

  • How can I find specific products in the Shopz product catalogs?

    A: While viewing Shopz product catalogs, you can use your Web browser's "Find" feature (typically Ctrl+F) to search for the products you are looking for.

  • How can I find out more information about a product, like when service will be discontinued for it?

    A: In Shopz product catalogs, the product ID links to additional product details.

  • How do I find out which FMIDs are included in a product?

    A: In Shopz product catalogs, products with FMIDs include links to display the FMIDs.

  • Can I order new software if I need to use a purchase order?

    A: Yes. If you need to specify a purchase order with your software order, you can enter it while building your order.

  • Can I order additional materials for a product (e.g. publications and CD-ROMs)?

    A: IBM announcement letters include information about any additional deliverables that are not included with your Shopz orders. These items may include hardcopy publications, publication CD-ROMs, diskettes, source media, media kits, etc. When viewing a Shopz order or product catalog, you can click on product IDs to link to additional product details. These materials can be ordered through an IBM order center. You can also visit the IBM publications center to order specific publications, some of which are available for free download.

  • Why is IBM discontinuing product delivery on 3590/3592 tape media?

    A: IBM 35xx tape drive machine models have been withdrawn from IBM service and IBM does not feel it is in the best interests of its customer base to rely on out of date technologies.
    This is applicable to all IBM products, and not just z/OS. Many IBM products (including z/VM and z/VSE) have already ceased delivery on 35xx tape media.

  • What options are available to replace 3590/3592 tape media?

    A: Product and service delivery on 3590 and 3592 tape media is planned to be discontinued. Starting July 16,2018, your choices for software delivery for z/OS will be Internet delivery and DVD.
    For those regions with Shopz, IBM recommends Internet delivery. CBPDO, ServerPac, and SystemPac are offered for Internet delivery in countries where Shopz product ordering is available. Internet delivery can reduce software delivery time and allows you to install software without the need to handle tapes. For more details on Internet delivery in your country, refer to the Shopz help information at: http://www.software.ibm.com/ShopzSeries
    If you cannot use Internet delivery or require physical media, CBPDO, ServerPac, and SystemPac are available on DVD. Installing software using DVD requires a workstation with a DVD drive that can read discs in DVD-5 (single-sided, single-layer) format and a network connection to your z/OS system.

  • How does Shopz display the time?

    A: Shopz is using the user's local time zone to display the time.

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