If you can't find your answer here, please visit Customer service.

  • Can I track the progress of my order?

    A: Yes. You can track the status of each of your orders on the My orders page. Draft orders need to be submitted before they can be processed and tracked.

  • How can I cancel an order that is still being processed?

    A: Orders cannot be canceled through Shopz while they are being processed. To cancel an order that is still being processed, contact Shopz support using the contact information on the Customer service page.

  • My order hasn't arrived yet! How do I find out where my order is?

    A: If you need more information than you find on the My Orders page, contact Shopz support using the contact information on the Customer service page.

  • How do I permanently change my shipping address for Shopz product orders?

    A: When you request a shipping address override for a Shopz product order, that override applies only to that order. To permanently change the default shipping address for your customer number, you must submit a Customer Master Record (CMR) change request through your IBM Sales Representative. A CMR change request will affect anyone using this customer number.

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