How to Use the HMC

4.3 Powering On/Off a Managed System




Powering Off a Managed System

To power off a managed system from the HMC:

  1. Before powering off a managed system, be sure to shut down any running partitions on the managed system.

    The proper way to shut down an i5/OS (OS/400) logical partition is from an i5/OS command line (either in a 5250 emulator session on your Hardware Management Console, or on the Operations Console).

  2. In the navigation pane, select Systems Management to list the system resources.
  3. Select Servers.
  4. Select the desired managed system.
  5. In the tasks pad, select Operations to list the available tasks.
  6. Select Power Off. The Power Off Managed System window displays. (See a below left.)






  1. You can power off the managed system using one of the following options:
    • Normal power off - Shuts down the system's operation in a controlled manner. This means that during the shut down, programs running active jobs can perform end-of-job processing.
    • Fast power off - Shuts down the system by stopping all active jobs immediately. End-of-job processing is not performed. Use this option when you need to shut down the system because of an urgent situation.
  2. Select a power off option and click OK.


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