How to Use the HMC

3.2 Completing the Hardware Installation

Completing the Cable Connections

  1. Connect the Ethernet (or crossover) cable from the HMC to the managed server:


    • In general, your HMC should be connected to the managed server in a private service DHCP network. If you have not installed any additional Ethernet adapters in the PCI slots on your HMC, use the primary integrated Ethernet port to complete the following instructions. To find the location of these ports, refer to the illustrations.

    • If your managed system is already installed, you can verify that the Ethernet cable connection is active by observing the green status lights at both the HMC and managed system Ethernet ports as your installation progresses.

    • Connect the Ethernet port on the HMC to the Ethernet port that is labeled HMC1 on the managed server. If you are connecting a second HMC to your managed server, connect to the Ethernet port that is labeled HMC2 on the managed server.

  2. If you use an external modem, plug the modem power supply cord into the HMC modem.

  3. Plug the power cords for the monitor, HMC, and HMC external modem into electrical outlets.

Note: Do not connect the managed system to a power source at this time.


Before Installing the Software

After completing your cable connections, but before you begin the software installation process, review the installation steps presented in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center. Begin by clicking on this link:

IBM Systems Hardware Information Center

From the main IBM Systems Hardware Information Center page, follow this path:

Systems Hardware information --->

  Hardware Management Console information --->

     HMC v7 --->

        Installing and configuring the system

Once you have verified that all necessary connections have been made correctly, you will be ready to proceed.

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