strtocoll() — Return collating element for string


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies

Language Environment



#include <collate.h>

collel_t strtocoll(char *s);

General description

Determines whether the string pointed to by s represents the valid element as defined in the LC_COLLATE category of the current locale.

If a string pointed to by s contains only one character, the collating element representing this character always exists. Otherwise, a valid collating element exists if the LC_COLLATE category contains the definition of a sequence of characters that collate as one for the purpose of culture-sensitive string comparison. This many-characters-to-one-collating element relation is also called many-to-one mapping.

Returned value

The type collel_t represents the collating elements.

If many-to-one mapping is not defined in the LC_COLLATE of the current locale, strtocoll() returns (collel_t)-1.

Also, if the string is not a valid collating element or is of zero length, strtocoll() returns (collel_t)-1.


⁄* CELEBS52                                      

   This example uses the strtocoll() function to get the                        
   collel_t value for the start and end collating-elements for                  
   the collrange() function.                                                    
#include <stdio.h>                                                              
#include <stdlib.h>                                                             
#include <locale.h>                                                             
#include <collate.h>                                                            
#include <wchar.h>                                                              
#include <wctype.h>                                                             
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {                                                  
   collel_t s, e, *rp;                                                          
   int i;                                                                       
   setlocale(LC_ALL, "");                                                       
   if ((s = strtocoll(argv[1])) == (collel_t)-1) {                              
      printf("%s collating element not defined\n", argv[1]);                    
   if ((e = strtocoll(argv[2])) == (collel_t)-1) {                              
      printf("%s collating element not defined\n", argv[2]);                    
   if ((i = collrange(s, e, &rp)) == -1) {                                      
      printf("Invalid range for %s to %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);                 
   for (; i-- > 0; rp++) {                                                      
      if (ismccollel(*rp))                                                      
         printf("'%s' ", colltostr(*rp));                                       
      else if (iswprint(*rp))                                                   
         printf("'%lc' ", *rp);                                                 
         printf("'%x' ", *rp);                                                  

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