getmccoll() — Get next collating element from string


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
Language Environment both  


#include <collate.h>

collel_t getmccoll(char **src);

General description

If the object pointed to by src is not a NULL pointer, the getmccoll() library function determines the longest sequence of bytes in the array pointed to by src that constitute a valid multicharacter collating element. It then produces the value of type collel_t corresponding to that collating element. The object pointed to by src is assigned the address just past the last byte of the multicharacter collating element processed.

Returned value

If successful, getmccoll() returns the value of type collel_t that represents the collating element found.

If the object pointed to by src is a NULL pointer, or if it points to NULL character, getmccoll() returns 0.

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