How to Use the HMC

2.3 An Overview of Logical Partitioning



  The HMC allows you to perform many hardware management tasks for your managed system. You can choose to operate the managed system as a single server or run multiple partitions.

Partitioning allows you to configure a single computer into several independent systems. Each of these systems, called partitions, runs its own independent operating system and is capable of running applications specific to that operating system in its own independent environment. This independent environment contains its own operating system, its own set of system processors, its own set of system memory, and its own I/O adapters.

A profile defines a configuration setup for a managed system or partition. The HMC allows you to create multiple profiles for each managed system or partition. You can then use these profiles to start a managed system or partition in a particular configuration.

A system profile is a collection of often-used partition profiles. You can use a system profile to start an ordered list of pre-defined partition profiles on your managed system.


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