Optimizing the page layout for the Tags portlet

On WebSphere Portal, optimize the page layout to use a smaller column width for the Tags portlet.

About this task

WebSphere® Portal allows administrators and page editors to control the page layout for every page in the Portal environment. If the page layout includes a multi-column format, the size of each column can be set to optimize the layout to best accommodate the portlets on the page. The best layout of a page that contains the IBM® Connections tags portlet uses a smaller column width for the tags portlet that leaves more screen real estate for the main content portlets with which it interacts.


  1. Enable the Edit Layout portlet to display the option to control the column size.
    1. Log in to WebSphere Portal as the administrator
    2. In the Administration section, go to Portlet Management > Portlets.
    3. Locate the Edit Layout portlet. Search by title using edit layout as the search text.
    4. Click the Configure Portlet icon.
    5. Set showAdvancedOption to yes.
    6. Click OK to save the changes.
  2. Set the column size:
    1. Log in to WebSphere Portal as the administrator
    2. In the Administration section, click Portlet Management > Manage Pages.
    3. Open a page that contains the Tags portlet.
    4. Navigate to the page that contains the portlets and click the Edit Page Layout option for the page.
    5. Click Show layout tools.
    6. In the header of the column that contains the Tags portlet, click Not Set.
    7. Enter the pixel size for the width of the portlet. For example, 180 pixels.
    8. Click OK to save your settings.