IBM ISPF Productivity Tool, Version 7.1

Point-and-shoot parameters

ISPF Productivity Tool supports the following ISPF point-and-shoot fields:

The following OLIST panel illustrates some of the extended point-and-shoot fields:

Figure 1. OLIST extended point-and-shoot fields
  File  Edit  Find  Display  Populate  Settings  Menu  Util  Test  Help  Exit  1
-IPT- OLIST (B) ----------- LEVEL SYS*PLIB* ---------- "A" will display assist
Command    ===>                                               SCROLL ===> CSR
                                                               *TEMPORARY LIST*
Command   Member   Numbr Data Set Names / Objects                       Class  3
--------- -------- ----- ---------------------------------------------- -------
                       1 'SYS1.ADFQPLIB'
                       2 'SYS1.ADGTPLIB'
                       3 'SYS1.AICEPLIB'   4
                       4 'SYS1.APLIB'
                       5 'SYS1.ASAMPLIB'
                       6 'SYS1.CIPLIB'
                       7 'SYS1.DFQPLIB'
                       8 'SYS1.DGTPLIB'
                       9 'SYS1.SAMPLIB'
                        ---------------- END OF LIST ----------------
Action bar
Column headings (typical action fields)
Data set/Object (typical point and shoot parameter). Applies to all items in the list.

Many ISPF panels contain data set names. ISPF Productivity Tool automatically treats these as input parameters to the BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW commands. Additionally, the ISPF Productivity Tool TSO shell lets you use a slash as a symbolic placeholder for a Point-and-Shoot Parameter within the parameter buffer of a TSO command.

For example, when you BROWSE JCL using a spool viewer (SDSF, IOF, or a similar product), you may want to inspect a data set referred to in the JCL. You can type BROWSE on the command line, place the cursor on the data set name on the spool viewer panel, and press the Enter key. If you predefine a PF key as BROWSE, EDIT, or VIEW, you can place the cursor on the data set name and press the PF key directly.

The point-and-shoot parameters can be of any supported object class. For example, you can point at a VSAM data set and invoke the VSAM editor on top of the spool browser.

The ISPF Productivity Tool TSO shell substitutes a slash in the TSO command buffer with the name of a data set you pointed to. This is similar to how BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW accept point-and-shoot parameters. For example, you can enter TSO LISTDS / LABEL on the command line to display the VTOC entry for a catalogued data set, place the cursor on a data set and press the Enter key. If you place the cursor on a data set named 'JONES.TEST.JCL', ISPF Productivity Tool issues the command LISTDS 'JONES.TEST.JCL' LABEL.

ISPF Productivity Tool determines the name of the data set that you point to in this fashion:

  1. Unquoted data set names are always interpreted as if the name is prefixed by your current TSO prefix.

    For example, if the TSO prefix is your user-id is “INTT125”, then if you enter BR TEST.DATA it is interpreted as “BR 'INTT125.TEST.DATA'”.

  2. If the unquoted name is up to eight characters in length without any dots (that is, levels) it is always interpreted as a library member name.

    The member name is expected to come from the current library if MSL is in control, or from the most recently accessed library as saved in the user's ISPF profile.

  3. If the name is quoted it's always a data set name.

These rules apply when you do a point-and-shoot to EDIT/BROWSE/VIEW, which are MSL controlled.

If you point-and-shoot to an OLIST shortcut such as OL, OLM, OLG, or OLI, the name is always (quoted or unquoted) interpreted as a “data set level”, which is any data set name that is identical to this name or matches the pattern of "level.* ". For example, the command OL INTT125.TEST displays a temporary OLIST with names like:
INTT125.TEST            <-- The identical name
INTT125.TEST.A          <-- Pattern matches

In the case of OLIST shortcuts (but not for MSL shortcuts) you may also point-and-shoot strings that contain wild-cards “*” and “%”.

Occasionally, ISPF Productivity Tool is not able to match a data set to the pointed string, or you aren't pointing to a data set. In these cases BROWSE, EDIT, and VIEW display a prompt panel, and the TSO shell leaves the slash unsubstituted.

You may want to specify the TSO command with a leading question mark when using the TSO shell. This is an indication that you want to see the substituted command buffer before executing the command. You may change the command before issuing it, or press the END key to discard the command.
