IBM PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.1


The $v_hist_log_events view shows information about the events that occurred on the system.

Table 1. $v_hist_log_events
Name Description
npsid A unique ID for the IBM® Netezza® system. This value is generated as a sequence on the target database where this view is.
npsinstanceid The instance ID of the nzstart command for the source Netezza system.
opid Operation ID, which is used as a foreign key from query epilog, overflow and plan, table, column access tables.
logentryid This ID and the NPS ID (npsid) and instance ID (npsinstanceid) form a foreign key into the hist_log_entry_n table.
sessionid The session ID. This ID is NULL for a failed authentication.
dbname The name of the database to which the session is connected.
time The timestamp when the operation occurred.


The integer code and text string that describes the actual operation. The valid values are one of the following values:
  • 1 = session create
  • 2 = session logout
  • 3 = failed authentication
  • 4 = query prolog
  • 5 = query epilog
  • 6 = plan prolog
  • 7 = plan epilog


These are the checksum and query for query prolog entries, signature, and plan information for plan prolog entries. For other log entries, checksum is NULL and details have other information like status for epilogs.
dbid The OID of the database where the table is defined.
dbname The name of the database where the table is defined.
userid The user ID that ran the command.
username The user name for the user ID.
client_type The client type, such as none, nzsql, odbc, jdbc, nz(un)load, cli, bnr, reclaim, old-loader (deprecated), or internal.

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