IBM PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.1


The $hist_plan_epilog_n table records the plan history information. This data is collected at the end of the plan execution. This table becomes enabled whenever history type is Plan.

Table 1. $hist_plan_epilog_n
Name Type Description
npsid integer This value along with the npsInstanceId and opid form the foreign key into the query table.
npsinstanceid integer Instance ID of the source IBM® Netezza® system.
opid bigint Operation ID. Used as a foreign key from query epilog, overflow and plan, table, column access tables to query prolog.
logentryid bigint This ID is a foreign key into the hist_log_entry_n table with the npsid and npsinstanceid. This ID with npsid and npsinstanceid is also a primary key for this table.
sessionid bigint Session ID. This ID with npsid and npsinstanceid is the foreign key from query, plan, table, and column access tables into session tables.
planid integer The plan ID (used to make an equi join in addition to npsid, npsinstanceid, and opid to match a plan prolog to a plan epilog record).
endtime timestamp The ending time of the plan execution.
donesnippets integer The number of snippets that are done.
resultrows bigint The number of result rows.
resultbytes bigint The number of result bytes.
status integer A status for the success or failure of the plan. The value is 0 for a successful completion, or a non-zero error code for a failure.
tzoffset integer The timezone offset in minutes. This field is available only in database version 2 or later.

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