IBM PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.1


The $hist_failed_authentication_n table captures only the failed authentication attempts for every operation that is authenticated. A successful authentication results in a session creation. A failed authentication does not result in a session creation, but it instead creates a record with a unique operation ID in this table.

Table 1. $hist_failed_authentication_n
Name Type Description
npsid integer IBM® Netezza® ID for the source system whose data is captured in this table.
npsinstanceid integer Instance ID of the nzstart command for the source Netezza system.
logentryid bigint A foreign key into the hist_log_entry_n table with the IBM Netezza ID (npsid) and instance ID (npsinstanceid).
clientip char(16) IP address of the client that made the connection attempt.
sessionusername nvarchar(512) The name string for the session user ID (sessionUserId).
time timestamp The GMT timestamp that indicates when the operation occurred.
failuretype integer One of the following codes that represent the authentication failure type:
  • 1 = failed authentication because of bad username, password, or both
  • 2 = failed authentication because of concurrency
  • 3 = failed authentication because of user access time limits
  • 4 = user account that is disabled after too many failed password attempts
failure varchar(512) The text message for the failure type code.
tzoffset integer The timezone offset in minutes. This field is available only in database version 2 or later.

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