Considerations for unloading an IMS catalog

You can use IMS High Performance Unload to unload data from an IMS catalog.

IMS catalogs are HALDB databases. The unload method differs whether DBRC is used to manage the IMS catalog. If DBRC is used to manage the IMS catalog, you can unload data from the IMS catalog in the same manner as you do to unload a HALDB database.

To unload data from an IMS catalog that is not managed by DBRC, use either of the following methods:

  • Add the DFSDF=xxx parameter as shown in the following examples. You can use either format.
    Example 1:
    //             ,,,,,,,,,,N,N,,N,,,'',,,,,,,'DFSDF=CAT')
    Example 2:
    //             MBR=FABHURG1,DBD=DFSCD000,DBRC=N,
    //             PARM1='DFSDF=CAT' 
    Here, CAT is the suffix of the DFSDFxxx member that contains the UNREGCATLG parameter.

    Then, specify the PROCLIB DD statement to point the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS.PROCLIB data set.

  • Place the IMS Catalog Definition exit routine (DFS3CDX0) in the STEPLIB DD concatenation.

With either method, you must allocate the catalog partition definition data set. To do so, add the DFSHDBSC DD statement or the DFSMDA member with the TYPE=CATDBDEF statement.