FABHFSU CARDIN input data set

The CARDIN data set for the FABHFSU utility contains the control statements for the FABHFSU utility.

Normally, only three control statements are required for FABHFSU: the DBD control statement, the PSB control statement, and the END control statement.

Other control statements that can be used for FABHFSU in standard mode are:

  • BLM and ELM
  • DEC
  • GOT

The following table provides brief explanation for each control statement.

Table 1. Control statements for FABHFSU CARDIN data set in standard mode
Control statement Function
BLM/ELM Specifies a portion of the database to be read.
DBD Identifies the database to be processed and specifies some processing options.
DEC Specifies whether to decompress compressed segments or not.
END Specifies the end of CARDIN control statements.
GOT Provides the support for PROCOPT=GOT.
PARTITION Restricts the partitions to be processed.
PSB Specifies the segment sensitivity and characteristics of the output data set to be created. Up to three PSB statements can be specified.
SEGSTAT Specifies to produce the partition-wide segment statistics report.


This data set contains 80-byte fixed-length records. The control statements can be coded in the input stream or accessed as a member of a partitioned data set.