Running Space Monitor

To run Space Monitor, use the IBM® supplied cataloged procedure or prepare JCL of your own.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to code JCL for Space Monitor.


To use Space Monitor, complete the following steps:

  1. If IMS database data sets are to be monitored, ensure that HD Pointer Checker (with HISTORY=YES option) is run against the database data sets in advance (at least once) to create entries in the HISTORY data set. Otherwise, the database data sets are treated as OS data sets.
  2. Determine whether to use a JCL procedure or to prepare JCL of your own.

    If you want to use the JCL procedure that is distributed with the product, see JCL procedure (FABKSPMP).

  3. Code the JCL statements. If you use a JCL procedure, also modify the JCL procedure to suit your environment.

    For the JCL requirements, see Job control language. You can also refer to the JCL examples in JCL examples for Space Monitor to code the JCL statements.

  4. Specify the data sets to be monitored in the FABKCTL data set, the control member data set (SPMNMBR), or in the SPMNIN data set.

    See Input to code the input data sets.

  5. Run the Space Monitor job.
  6. Interpret the outputs to verify that the process completed successfully.

    See Output to interpret Space Monitor output.

What to do next

IMS HP Pointer Checker provides the Space Monitor Site Default Generation utility. By using this utility, you can set your own default value for the Space Monitor control statements. Use this utility if you want to change the system default values of the Space Monitor control statements. For more information, see Space Monitor Site Default Generation utility.