Overview of HD Tuning Aid

The HD Tuning Aid utility produces reports that describe the distribution of root segments in HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM databases. It also produces a report that contains summary information about a High Availability Large Database (HALDB).

Typical uses of the HD Tuning Aid utility are evaluations of the following factors for performance and tuning analysis:

  • Current randomizer performance in HDAM or PHDAM databases
  • Current root segment locations in HIDAM or PHIDAM databases
  • Potential randomizer performance in HDAM or PHDAM databases
  • Potential randomizer performance in HIDAM or PHIDAM databases that could be converted to HDAM or PHDAM

HD Tuning Aid can estimate the actual performance of partition selection for PHDAM or PHIDAM and randomizing parameter for PHDAM.

It can also estimate the performance of the following types of conversion:

  • Conversion from an HDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM database to a PHDAM database
  • Changing the number of partitions of a PHDAM database
  • Changing the partition selection and/or the DBD randomizing parameters
  • Conversion from a PHDAM or a PHIDAM database to an HDAM database

When the database to be processed is a HALDB, or when a simulation of conversion to a HALDB is processed, HD Tuning Aid generates reports for each partition in addition to the ordinary reports by database.