WF1REC control statement

Specifies whether to write WF1 records in the DFSURWF1 or in HPSRSINDX output work data set, which is used as an input to resolve a logical or secondary index relationships. The WF1REC control statement is not valid for a HALDB.

This control statement is optional. If you do not specify this control statement, WF1REC=YES is used.

Read syntax diagram

If the database has a logical relationship or a secondary index, the records are written to the DFSURWF1 output work data set.
WF1 records are not written to the DFSURWF1 or HPSRSINDX output work data set even if secondary index or logical relationships are defined in the database.

To resolve the secondary index, you have to run a database scan utility in a separate job step.

The DFSURWF1 data set is needed to run the IMS™ Database Prefix Resolution utility for logical relationships after this reload job step. For such non-HALDB databases, do not specify WF1REC=NO.

Tip: The default value of the WF1REC control statement can be changed. For details, see Setting installation default options.