
The time.h header file declares the time and date functions:
asctime() clock() ctime() difftime() gmtime()
localtime() mktime() strftime() strptime() time()

[1]  These functions are supported only in a POSIX program.

The time.h header file also provides:
Table 1. Fields of tm Structure
Field Description
tm_sec Seconds (0-60)
tm_min Minutes (0-59)
tm_hour Hours (0-23)
tm_mday Day of month (1-31)
tm_mon Month (0-11; January = 0)
tm_year Year (current year minus 1900)
tm_wday Day of week (0-6; Sunday = 0)
tm_yday Day of year (0-365; January 1 = 0)
tm_isdst Zero if Daylight Saving Time is not in effect; positive if Daylight Saving Time is in effect; negative if the information is not available.

The time functions are affected by the current locale selected. The LC_CTYPE category affects the behavior of the strftime(), strptime(), and wcsftime() functions. The LC_TOD category affects the behavior of the gmtime(), mktime(), and localtime() functions.