ttyslot() — Find the slot in the utmpx file of the current user


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
XPG4.2 both  


#include <stdlib.h>

int ttyslot(void);

General description

The ttyslot() function returns the index of the current user's entry in the utmpx database. The current user's entry is an entry for which the ut_line member matches the name of a terminal device associated with any of the process's file descriptors 0, 1 or 2. The ttyname() function is used to obtain the terminal device. The "/dev/" part returned by ttyname() is not used when searching the utmpx database member ut_line.


This function is kept for historical reasons. It was part of the Legacy Feature in Single UNIX Specification, Version 2, but has been withdrawn and is not supported as part of Single UNIX Specification, Version 3.

If it is necessary to continue using this function in an application written for Single UNIX Specification, Version 3, define the feature test macro _UNIX03_WITHDRAWN before including any standard system headers. The macro exposes all interfaces and symbols removed in Single UNIX Specification, Version 3.

Returned value

If successful, ttyslot() returns the index of the current user's entry in the utmpx database.

If unsuccessful, ttyslot() returns -1 if an error was encountered while searching the database or if none of the file descriptors 0, 1, or 2 is associated with a terminal device.

No errors are defined.

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