rexec_af() — Execute commands one at a time on a remote host


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
RCF2292 both z/OS V1R4


#define  _OPEN_SYS_SOCK_IPV6
#include <rexec.h>

int rexec_af(char **ahost, unsigned short rport,
               const char *name, const char *pass, const char *cmd,
               int *fd2p, int af);

General description

The rexec_af() function behaves the same as the rexec() function. Instead of creating an AF_INET socket, rexec_af can also create an AF_INET6 socket. The af argument specifies the address family. It is set to either AF_INET or AF_INET6.

Note: The rexec_af() function has a dependency on the level of the Enhanced ASCII Extensions. See Enhanced ASCII support for details.

Returned value

When successful, rexec_af() returns a socket to the remote command. If unsuccessful, rexec_af() returns -1 and may set errno to one of the following:
The specified address family is not supported.

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