__pow_i() — Raise to a power (R**I)


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies

Language Environment

both z/OS® V1R7


#include <math.h>

double __pow_i(double x, int y);

General description

The __pow_i() function calculates the value of x to the power of y and is a C interface to the Language Environment Math Service CEESDXPI. Information about the Language Environment math service CEESDXPI can be found in the following publications:

Note: The following table shows the viable formats for these functions. See IEEE binary floating-point for more information about IEEE Binary Floating-Point.
Function Hex IEEE
__pow_i X X

Returned value

If successful, __pow_i() returns the value of x to the power of y.

If... Then...
x is not equal to 0 and y is 0 1 is returned.
x is 0 and y is positive 0 is returned.
x and y are 0 0 is returned and errno is set to EDOM.
x is 0 and y is negative ±HUGE_VAL is returned and errno is set to EDOM.
x and y cause an overflow HUGE_VAL is returned.

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