__uheapreport() — Produce a storage report for a user-created heap


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
Language Environment both  


#include <uheap.h>

void __uheapreport(__uheapid_t heapid);

General description

The __uheapreport() function generates a report of the storage used within the user-created heap identified by heapid. The report is directed to the ddname specified in the MSGFILE runtime option except for AMODE 64 applications, in which case the report is directed to the stderr stream. The report format is similar to the heap pools portion of the storage report generated for the RPTSTG runtime option.

Statistics for the user-created heap will only be collected if the granularity field of the cellpool_attrib_table passed to __ucreate() is nonzero and a valid value.
The identifier of the user-created heap for which a report is to be produced.

Returned value

__uheapreport() returns no values.

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