__getuserid() — Retrieve the active MVS user ID


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
z/OS® UNIX both OS/390 V2R9


#define _OPEN_SYS_EXT
#include <sys/ps.h>

int __getuserid(char *userid, int userlen);

General description

Retrieves the current active user ID for the requester. When successful, the output in user ID will be the active MVS™ userid.

Returned value

If successful, __getuserid() returns 0.

If unsuccessful, __getuserid() returns -1 and sets errno to one of the following values:
Error Code
One of the following error conditions exists:
  • The length supplied by userlen does not allow enough storage in the string to retrieve the MVS user ID.
  • The z/OS UNIX system service returned a failure.

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