fmind32(), fmind64(), fmind128() — Calculate the minimum numeric value


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
C/C++ DFP both z/OS® V1.8


#define __STDC_WANT_DEC_FP__
#include <math.h> 

_Decimal32  fmind32(_Decimal32 x, _Decimal32 y); 
_Decimal64  fmind64(_Decimal64 x, _Decimal64 y);
_Decimal128 fmind128(_Decimal128 x, _Decimal128 y);

_Decimal32  fmin(_Decimal32 x, _Decimal32 y);    /* C++ only */
_Decimal64  fmin(_Decimal64 x, _Decimal64 y);    /* C++ only */
_Decimal128 fmin(_Decimal128 x, _Decimal128 y);  /* C++ only */

General description

The fmin() family of functions determine the minimum numeric value of their arguments. NaN arguments are treated as missing data. If one argument is a NaN and the other numeric, then the numeric value will be chosen.
  1. To use IEEE decimal floating-point, the hardware must have the Decimal Floating-Point Facility installed.
  2. These functions work in IEEE decimal floating-point format. See "IEEE Decimal Floating-Point" for more information.

Returned value

If successful, they return the minimum numeric value of their arguments.


   This example illustrates the fmind32() function

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