arm_stop_transaction() — Mark the end of an ARM transaction


Standards / Extensions C or C++ Dependencies


#include <sys/_Elmarm4.h>

arm_error_t arm_stop_transaction(
/* [in]     */  arm_start_handle_t     start_handle,
/* [in]     */  arm_int32_t     transaction_status,
/* [in]     */  arm_int32_t      flags,
/* [in]     */  arm_buffer4_t   *buffer4,

General description

Use arm_stop_transaction() to mark the end of execution of a transaction.

If any threads are bound to the transaction, arm_stop_transaction() unbinds them. If the transaction is in a blocked state due to outstanding arm_blocked() calls, then arm_stop_transaction() considers the transaction to be unblocked at the time it is stopped. This cleanup processing exists for recovery purposes. Applications are expected to use arm_unbind_thread() and arm_unblocked() as part of normal processing.
The handle returned by arm_start_transaction() for the transaction.
The completion code of the transaction.
Transaction successful.
Transaction aborted This value indicates there was a fundamental failure in the system; for example, a communications timeout or a database operation error.
Transaction failed. This value indicates the system worked properly but the transaction was not successful; for example, when making an airline reservation, no seats are available on the requested flight.
Transaction status is unknown.
Reserved for future use. The argument must be set to 0.
A pointer to a buffer that identifies one or more sub-buffers containing additional data. A null pointer can be passed if no additional data is required. The proposed ARM4 standard defines a metric values sub-buffer for this function but eWLM does not process metrics. If a buffer is passed eWLM ignores it.

Returned value

On success, arm_end_application returns ARM_RC_SUCCESS. On failure, the errno and return code are set to indicate the error. See Return code for the list of all possible return codes.
Error Code
A parameter of this service contained an address that was not accessible to the caller.
A parameter of this service contained a value that was not valid.
An ARM error occurred. Refer to the return code for the specific error.
The caller does not have the appropriate privileges. The return code is set to ARM_RC_AUTH_ERROR.
An error occurred in the security product.

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