DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder decomposition annotation

The db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder annotation is a parent for one or more db2-xdb:order elements. See the section for db2-xdb:order for details on usage in defining order of insertion of rows among different tables.

db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder belongs to the set of decomposition annotations that can be added to an XML schema document to describe the mappings between elements and attributes of XML documents to DB2® base tables. The decomposition process uses the annotated XML schema to determine how elements and attributes of an XML document should be decomposed into DB2 tables.

Annotation type

Child element of <xs:appinfo> that is a child of a global <xs:annotation> element.

How to specify

db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder is specified in the following way (where value represents a valid value for the annotation):



Valid structure

The following are supported children elements of <db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder >:


<db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder> groups together <db2-xdb:order> elements. Multiple instances of the child <db2-xdb:order> element can be present, allowing the definition of multiple insertion hierarchies.

By allowing you to control the order in which contents of XML documents are inserted, the db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder and db2-xdb:order annotations together provide a way to ensure that the XML schema decomposition process respects any referential integrity constraints on target tables, as well as any other application requirements that rows of a table be inserted before rows of another table.

The db2-xdb:rowSetOperationOrder annotation can appear only once in an XML schema.


See the section for the db2-xdb:order annotation for examples of specifying the order of rowSet insertion.