DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

CLR .NET routine compile and link options

The compile and link options for building Common Language Runtime (CLR) .NET routines on Windows operating systems with either the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET compiler or the Microsoft C# compiler are available in the samples\.NET\cs\bldrtn.bat and samples\.NET\vb\bldrtn.bat batch files.

Compile and link options for bldrtn using the Microsoft C# compiler:

Compile and link options using the Microsoft C# compiler:
The Microsoft C# compiler.
/out:%1.dll /target:library
Output the dynamic link library as a stored procedure assembly dll.
Use the debugger.
/lib: "%DB2PATH%"\bin\netf20\
Use the library path for .NET Framework Version 2.0.

There are several supported versions of the .NET framework for applications: version 2.0, version 3.0, and version 3.5. There is a dynamic link library for each. For .NET Framework Version 1.1, use the "%DB2PATH%"\bin\netf11 sub-directory. For .NET Framework Version 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5, use the "%DB2PATH%"\bin\netf20 sub-directory.

Use the DB2® dynamic link library for the IBM® Data Server Provider for .NET

Refer to your compiler documentation for additional compiler options.

Compile and link options for bldrtn using the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET compiler:

The Microsoft Visual Basic .NET compiler.
/out:%1.dll /target:library
Output the dynamic link library as a stored procedure assembly dll.
Use the debugger.
Use the library path for .NET Framework Version 2.0.

There are several supported versions of the .NET framework for applications: version 2.0, version 3.0, and version 3.5. There is a dynamic link library for each. For .NET Framework Version 1.1, use the "%DB2PATH%"\bin\netf11 sub-directory. For .NET Framework Version 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5, use the "%DB2PATH%"\bin\netf20 sub-directory.

Use the DB2 dynamic link library for the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET.
Reference the Microsoft Windows System dynamic link library.
Reference the Microsoft Windows System Data dynamic link library.

Refer to your compiler documentation for additional compiler options.