DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95 table function - Retrieve size and state information for tables

The ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95 table function provides methods to retrieve table size and state information that is not currently available in the catalog views.

Refer to the Table 1 table for a complete list of information that can be returned.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

The schema is SYSPROC.

Table function parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies a schema name.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies a table name, a materialized query table name or a hierarchy table name.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the routine:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the function is automatically created.


Example 1: Retrieve size and state information for the table DBUSER1.EMPLOYEE.
   AS T
Example 2: Suppose there exists a non-partitioned table (DBUSER1.EMPLOYEE), with all associated objects (for example, indexes and LOBs) stored in a single table space. Calculate how much physical space the table is using in the table space:
SELECT (data_object_p_size + index_object_p_size + long_object_p_size + 
   lob_object_p_size + xml_object_p_size) as total_p_size 
Calculate how much space would be required if the table were moved to another table space, where the new table space has the same page size and extent size as the original table space:
SELECT (data_object_l_size + index_object_l_size + long_object_l_size + 
   lob_object_l_size + xml_object_l_size) as total_l_size 
Example 3: Check the current type of statistics information collected for table T1
db2 => select substr(tabschema, 1, 10) as tbschema, substr(tabname, 1, 10) 
   as tbname, statstype from SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO where tabname = 'T1';

---------- ---------- ---------
DB2USER1   T1         U        

  1 record(s) selected.

Usage notes

  • If both the tabschema and tabname are specified, information is returned for that specific table only.
  • If the tabschema is specified but tabname is empty (") or NULL, information is returned for all tables in the given schema.
  • If the tabschema is empty (") or NULL and tabname is specified, an error is returned. To retrieve information for a specific table, the table must be identified by both schema and table name.
  • If both tabschema and tabname are empty (") or NULL, information is returned for all tables.
  • If tabschema or tabname do not exist, or tabname does not correspond to a table name (type T), a materialized query table name (type S) or a hierarchy table name (type H), an empty result set is returned.
  • When the ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95 table function is retrieving data for a given table, it will acquire a shared lock on the corresponding row of SYSTABLES to ensure consistency of the data that is returned (for example, to ensure that the table is not dropped while information is being retrieved for it). The lock will only be held for as long as it takes to retrieve the size and state information for the table, not for the duration of the table function call.
  • Physical size reported for tables in SMS table spaces is the same as logical size.
  • When an inplace reorg is active on a table, the physical size for the data object (DATA_OBJECT_P_SIZE) will not be calculated. Only the logical size will be returned. You can tell if an inplace reorg is active on the table by looking at the INPLACE_REORG_STATUS output column.
  1. no redistribute has been run for the given table N
  2. redistribute started to run on the database partition group but not on the table N
  3. redistribute failed in the phase before moving data N
  4. redistribute failed in the phase of moving data Y
  5. redistribute completely successfully and committed for the table. N

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95 table function
Column name Data type Description
TABSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) table_schema - Table schema name monitor element
TABNAME VARCHAR(128) table_name - Table name monitor element
TABTYPE CHAR(1) Table type:
  • 'H' = hierarchy table
  • 'S' = materialized query table
  • 'T' = table
DBPARTITIONNUM SMALLINT dbpartitionnum - Database partition number monitor element
DATA_PARTITION_ID INTEGER data_partition_id - Data partition identifier monitor element
AVAILABLE CHAR(1) State of the table:
  • 'N' = the table is unavailable. If the table is unavailable, all other output columns relating to the size and state will be NULL.
  • 'Y' = the table is available.
Note: Rollforward through an unrecoverable load will put a table into the unavailable state.
DATA_OBJECT_L_SIZE BIGINT Data object logical size. Amount of disk space logically allocated for the table, reported in kilobytes. The logical size is the amount of space that the table knows about. It might be less than the amount of space physically allocated for the table (for example, in the case of a logical table truncation). For multi-dimensional clustering (MDC) tables, this size includes the logical size of the block map object. The size returned takes into account full extents that are logically allocated for the table and, for objects created in DMS table spaces, an estimate of the Extent Map Page (EMP) extents. This size represents the logical size of the base table only. Space consumed by LOB data, Long Data, Indexes and XML objects are reported by other columns.
DATA_OBJECT_P_SIZE BIGINT Data object physical size. Amount of disk space physically allocated for the table, reported in kilobytes. For MDC tables, this size includes the size of the block map object. The size returned takes into account full extents allocated for the table and includes the EMP extents for objects created in DMS table spaces. This size represents the physical size of the base table only. Space consumed by LOB data, Long Data, Indexes and XML objects are reported by other columns.
INDEX_OBJECT_L_SIZE BIGINT Index object logical size. Amount of disk space logically allocated for the indexes defined on the table, reported in kilobytes. The logical size is the amount of space that the table knows about. It might be less than the amount of space physically allocated to hold index data for the table (for example, in the case of a logical table truncation). The size returned takes into account full extents that are logically allocated for the indexes and, for indexes created in DMS table spaces, an estimate of the EMP extents. This value is only reported for non-partitioned tables. For partitioned tables, this value will be 0.
INDEX_OBJECT_P_SIZE BIGINT Index object physical size. Amount of disk space physically allocated for the indexes defined on the table, reported in kilobytes. The size returned takes into account full extents allocated for the indexes and includes the EMP extents for indexes created in DMS table spaces. This value is only reported for non-partitioned tables. For partitioned tables this value will be 0.
LONG_OBJECT_L_SIZE BIGINT Long object logical size. Amount of disk space logically allocated for long field data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The logical size is the amount of space that the table knows about. It might be less than the amount of space physically allocated to hold long field data for the table (for example, in the case of a logical table truncation). The size returned takes into account full extents that are logically allocated for long field data and, for long field data created in DMS table spaces, an estimate of the EMP extents.
LONG_OBJECT_P_SIZE BIGINT Long object physical size. Amount of disk space physically allocated for long field data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The size returned takes into account full extents allocated for long field data and includes the EMP extents for long field data created in DMS table spaces.
LOB_OBJECT_L_SIZE BIGINT LOB object logical size. Amount of disk space logically allocated for LOB data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The logical size is the amount of space that the table knows about. It might be less than the amount of space physically allocated to hold LOB data for the table (for example, in the case of a logical table truncation). The size includes space logically allocated for the LOB allocation object. The size returned takes into account full extents that are logically allocated for LOB data and, for LOB data created in DMS table spaces, an estimate of the EMP extents.
LOB_OBJECT_P_SIZE BIGINT LOB object physical size. Amount of disk space physically allocated for LOB data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The size includes space allocated for the LOB allocation object. The size returned takes into account full extents allocated for LOB data and includes the EMP extents for LOB data created in DMS table spaces.
XML_OBJECT_L_SIZE BIGINT XML object logical size. Amount of disk space logically allocated for XML data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The logical size is the amount of space that the table knows about. It might be less than the amount of space physically allocated to hold XML data for the table (for example, in the case of a logical table truncation). The size returned takes into account full extents that are logically allocated for XML data and, for XML data created in DMS table spaces, an estimate of the EMP extents.
XML_OBJECT_P_SIZE BIGINT XML object physical size. Amount of disk space physically allocated for XML data in a table, reported in kilobytes. The size returned takes into account full extents allocated for XML data and includes the EMP extents for XML data created in DMS table spaces.
INDEX_TYPE SMALLINT Indicates the type of indexes currently in use for the table. Returns:
  • 1 if type-1 indexes are being used.
  • 2 if type-2 indexes are being used.
REORG_PENDING CHAR(1) A value of 'Y' indicates that a reorg recommended alter has been applied to the table and a classic (offline) reorg is required. Otherwise 'N' is returned.
INPLACE_REORG_STATUS VARCHAR(10) Current status of an inplace table reorganization on the table. The status value can be one of the following values:
  • ABORTED (in a PAUSED state, but unable to RESUME; STOP is required)
  • NULL (if no inplace reorg has been performed on the table)
LOAD_STATUS VARCHAR(12) Current status of a load operation against the table. The status value can be one of the following values:
  • NULL (if there is no load in progress for the table and the table is not in load pending state)
READ_ACCESS_ONLY CHAR(1) 'Y' if the table is in Read Access Only state, 'N' otherwise. A value of 'N' should not be interpreted as meaning that the table is fully accessible. If a load is in progress or pending, a value of 'Y' means the table data is available for read access, and a value of 'N' means the table is inaccessible. Similarly, if the table status is set integrity pending (refer to SYSCAT.TABLES STATUS column), then a value of 'N' means the table is inaccessible.
NO_LOAD_RESTART CHAR(1) A value of 'Y' indicates the table is in a partially loaded state that will not allow a load restart. A value of 'N' is returned otherwise.
NUM_REORG_REC_ALTERS SMALLINT Number of reorg recommend alter operations (for example, alter operations after which a reorganization is required) that have been performed against this table since the last reorganization.
INDEXES_REQUIRE_REBUILD CHAR(1) 'Y' if any of the indexes defined on the table require a rebuild, and 'N' otherwise.
LARGE_RIDS CHAR(1) Indicates whether or not the table is using large row IDs (RIDs) (4 byte page number, 2 byte slot number). A value of 'Y' indicates that the table is using large RIDs and 'N' indicates that it is not using large RIDs. A value of 'P' (pending) will be returned if the table supports large RIDs (that is, the table is in a large table space), but at least one of the indexes for the table has not been reorganized or rebuilt yet, so the table is still using 4 byte RIDs (which means that action must be taken to convert the table or indexes).
LARGE_SLOTS CHAR(1) Indicates whether or not the table is using large slots (which allows more than 255 rows per page). A value of 'Y' indicates that the table is using large slots and 'N' indicates that it is not using large slots. A value of 'P' (pending) will be returned if the table supports large slots (that is, the table is in a large table space), but there has been no offline table reorganization or table truncation operation performed on the table yet, so it is still using a maximum of 255 rows per page.
DICTIONARY_SIZE BIGINT Size of the dictionary, in bytes, used for row compression if a row compression dictionary exists for the table.
BLOCKS_PENDING_CLEANUP BIGINT blocks_pending_cleanup - Pending cleanup rolled-out blocks monitor element
  • 'F' = System fabricated statistics without table or index scan. These statistics are stored in memory and are different from what is stored in the system catalogs. This is a temporary state and eventually full statistics will be gathered by DB2® and stored in the system catalogs.
  • 'A'= System asynchronously gathered statistics. Statistics have been automatically collected by DB2 by a background process and stored in the system catalogs.
  • 'S' = System synchronously gathered statistics. Statistics have been automatically collected by DB2 during SQL statement compilation. These statistics are stored in memory and are different from what is stored in the system catalogs. This is a temporary state and eventually DB2 will store the statistics in the system catalogs.
  • 'U' = User gathered statistics. Statistics gathering was initiated by the user through a utility such as RUNSTATS, CREATE INDEX, LOAD, REDISTRIBUTE or by manually updating system catalog statistics.
  • NULL = unknown type