DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Verifying the IBM_DB Rails adapter installation

To verify that the IBM_DB Rails adapter is installed correctly, build and run a sample Rails application.


  1. Create a new Rails application by issuing the following command:
    C:\>rails new newapp --database=ibm_db
    create app/controllers
    create app/helpers
    create app/models
    create app/views/layouts
    create config/environments
    create config/initializers
    create db
    create log/server.log
    create log/production.log
    create log/development.log
    create log/test.log
  2. Change the current directory to the newly created newapp directory:
    C:\>cd newapp
  3. Optional: If you are using a Rails version before the Rails 2.0, you must register the IBM_DB adapter to the list of connection adapters in the Rails framework. You can register the IBM_DB adapter to the list of connection adapters in the Rails framework by manually adding ibm_db to the list of connection adapters in <RubyHome>\gems\1.8\gems\activerecord-1.15.6\lib\active_record.rb at approximately line 77:
    RAILS_CONNECTION_ADAPTERS = %w( mysql postgresql sqlite firebird 
    sqlserver db2 oracle sybase openbase frontbase ibm_db )
  4. To configure the connections for the Rails applications, edit the database.yml file. A sample development section entry for the database.yml file is listed in the following example:
    adapter: ibm_db
    username: db2inst1
    password: secret
    database: devdb # Database name
    #schema: db2inst1
    #host: localhost #Host on which the database resides
    #port: 50000 #port to which the remote Dataserver is listening
  5. Create a model and a scaffold by issuing the rails command:
    C:\>rails generate scaffold Tool name:string model_num:integer
    exists app/models/
    exists app/controllers/
    create db/migrate
    create db/migrate/20080716103959_create_tools.rb
  6. Create the tools table in the devdb database by issuing the rake db:migrate command:
    C:\ >rake db:migrate
    (in C:/ruby trials/newapp)
    == 20080716111617 CreateTools: migrating
    -- create_table(:tools)
    -> 0.5320s
    == 20080716111617 CreateTools: migrated (0.5320s)

    The Rails application can now access the tools table.

  7. To test the application, issue the rails console command:
    C:\ruby trials\newapp>rails console
    Loading development environment (Rails )
    >> tool = Tool.new
    => #<Tool id: nil, name: nil, model_num: nil, created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil>
    >> tool.name = 'chistel'
    => "chistel"
    >> tool.model_num = '007'
    => "007"
    >> tool.save
    => true
    >> Tool.find :all
    => [#<Tool id: 100, name: "chistel", model_num: 7, created_at:
    "2008-07-16 11:29:35", updated_at: "2008-07-16 11:29:35">]