DB2 codes

These topics describe codes for the DB2® 10 for z/OS® product, with explanations and user responses for the situations that are associated with these codes.

Searching for DB2 for z/OS messages and codes

  • For negative SQL codes, enclose the SQL code in quotation marks. For example, enter "-105" instead of -105 in the search field. When the minus sign is not enclosed in quotation marks, only pages that do not include the SQL code are returned in the search results. For example, a search term of -105 returns all pages that do not include instances of 105.
  • For positive SQL codes, enter the code with or without a leading plus sign (+). For example, enter 110 or +110.
  • For messages, search for the complete message number, including the prefix (DSN) and the suffix (A, D, E, or I). For example, DSNU100I is a complete message number.
  • For reason codes, search for the complete reason code number including the leading zeros. For example, 00C10203 is a complete reason code.

For more information about finding content in the IBM® Knowledge Center, see Finding information by searching.