Creating the project results database by using MySQL

You can create project results databases by using MySQL.

Before you begin

For information about the supported versions of the database, see the Supported Software > Database section in the System Requirements page.


  1. Logged in as user root, create and use a new database.
    Note: If you need to store Unicode results, enter the following command to create the database:
    CREATE DATABASE db_name CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_unicode_ci;
    Note: There might be limitations as described here:
  2. If you use Linux, or if you use UFS volumes on Mac OS X, change the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) to store table names as lowercase and to ignore case in comparisons. The location of this file can vary. In the my.cnf file, set the MySQL system variable lower_case_table_names to 1. This change is not necessary on Windows, where file names are not case-sensitive.
  3. Run the ghtester_mysql.sql script against the new database by entering a command in the following format:
    SOURCE Rational_Integration_Tester_installation_directory/scripts/ghtester_mysql.sql;
