ebXML Lookup Service

The ebXML Lookup service retrieves the content of either CPA or BPSS schema based on the alias name of the schema and the type of schema.

The following table provides an overview of the ebXML Lookup service:

System name ebXMLLookupService
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories All Services, Internet B2B > ebXML
Description Retrieves the content of either CPA or BPSS schema, based on the alias name of the schema and the type of schema.
Business usage Used for the ebXML Messaging service and the BPSS Handler service to retrieve the schema information of CPA or BPSS.
Usage example A business process that needs to retrieve CPA or BPSS schema can invoke this service by passing the required parameters.
Preconfigured? No. Must be installed and deployed before it can run. There are no configuration parameters required.
Requires third-party files? No
Platform availability All supported Sterling B2B Integrator platforms
Related services No
Application requirements No
Initiates business processes? No
Invocation Runs as part of a business process.
Business process context considerations No
Returned status values None
Restrictions No
Testing considerations To test a configuration of the ebXML Lookup service, make sure you have the CPA or BPSS schema created under Deployment/EBXML/BPSS or CPA.

How the ebXML Lookup Service Works

The ebXML Lookup service retrieves the content of either CPA or BPSS schema, based on the alias name of schema and the type of schema.

Parameters Passed from Business Process to Service

The following parameters are passed to the service when it runs with the output message set to lookupEBXML:

Field Description
ebxmlName A unique value that identifies the alias name of CPA or BPSS schema.
schemaType A value that identifies the type of schema to be retrieved. Possible values are CPA and BPSS.

Business Process Example

The following example shows how the ebXML Lookup service might be used in a business process:

Retrieve CPA schema: 
	<participant name="ebXMLLookupService"/>
	<output message="lookupEBXML">
		<assign to="ebxmlName" from="cpaId/text()"/>
		<assign to="schemaType" from="'CPA'"/>
	<input message="getEBXML">
		<assign to="cpa-store" from="ebxmlSchema/node()"/>
Retrieve BPSS schema: 
<participant name="ebXMLLookupService"/>
	<output message="lookupEBXML">
		<assign to="ebxmlName" from="bpssName/text()"/>
		<assign to="schemaType" from="'BPSS'"/>
	<input message="getEBXML">
		<assign to="." from="ebxmlSchema/node()"/>

Implementing the ebXML Lookup Service

To implement the ebXML Lookup service, complete the following tasks:
  1. Activate your license for the ebXML Lookup service. See Installing Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. Create a ebXML Lookup service configuration. See Managing Services and Adapters.
  3. Configure the ebXML Lookup service. See Configuring the ebXML Lookup Service.
  4. Use the ebXML Lookup service in a business process.

Configuring the ebXML Lookup Service

To configure the ebXML Lookup service, you must specify field settings in the GPM:

Field Description
Config Name of the service configuration.
ebXMLName Unique value that identifies the alias name of CPA or BPSS schema.
schemaType A value that identifies the type of schema to be retrieved. Possible values are CPA and BPSS.