BP Exception Service

The BP Exception service specifies an error and has a business process raise a named error to indicate that a fault occurred in a business process.

The following table provides an overview of the BP Exception service:

System name BPExceptionService
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories All Services, System
Description Enables you to specify an error and have a business process raise a named error indicating that a fault has occurred in a business process.
Preconfigured? Yes
Requires third-party files? No
Platform availability All supported platforms
Related services No
Application requirements None
Initiates business processes? No
Invocation Not applicable
Business process context considerations None
Returned status values None
Restrictions No
Testing considerations None

How the BP Exception Service Works

The BP Exception service sets the basic status of a business process to ERROR and sets the suggested errorCode parameter as the advanced status. The onFault mechanism uses the advanced status to determine if a handler is triggered. The service enables you to set a status report, as well.

Business Process Example

The following figure shows one example of how the BP Exception service could be used in a business process:

<operation name="generateException"> 
      <participant name="BPExceptionService"/> 
      <output message="Xout">
        <assign to="exceptionCode">foo:timeout</assign>
        <assign to="." from="*"></assign>
      <input message="Xin"> 
        <assign to="." from="*"></assign> 
      </input> </operation>

Implementing the BP Exception Service

To implement the BP Exception service, complete the following tasks:
  1. Create a BP Exception service configuration. For information, see Creating a Service Configuration.
  2. Configure the BP Exception service.
  3. Use the B2B Exception service in a business process.

Configuring the BP Exception Service

To configure the BP Exception service, you must specify settings for the following fields in the GPM:

Field Description
Config Name of the service configuration.
exceptionCode The advanced status to raise. If no exceptionCode is supplied, the default is the code si:general.
statusReport String to use as the status report for the service. Optional.