IBM Support

SQL30082 rc=24 connecting to a database using user ID/password

Question & Answer


Mounting DB2 instance home file system with the "nosuid" option will cause error SQL30082 rc=24 when connecting to a local database explicitly using user ID and password.


The problem is caused by the DB2 instance home file system being mounted with the "nosuid" option. When this problem occurs, the DB2 instance can be started and the users can connect to the database implicitly, without specifying the user ID and password. However, the db2diag.log file will show the following error during the DB2 instance start process:

    2005-11-07- I19584C346 LEVEL: Severe
    PID : 1015884 TID : 1 PROC : db2wdog
    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloRunInstance, probe:470
    MESSAGE : DiagData
    DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
    0x2FF219BC : 0000 0001 <------ Operating system error that means "Operation not permitted"

    2005-11-07- E5621C320 LEVEL: Error (OS)
    PID : 643156 TID : 1 PROC : db2sysc
    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloRunInstance, probe:210
    CALLED : OS, -, unspecified_system_function
    OSERR : EPERM (1) "Not owner"

The "ps -ef" output also shows that both db2wdog and db2chkpw processes are running under the DB2 instance owner instead of root:
    db2inst1 311374 1 0 14:48:10 - 0:00 db2wdog
    db2inst1 336052 266240 0 14:48:11 - 0:00 db2ckpwd
    db2inst1 344302 266240 0 14:48:11 - 0:00 db2ckpwd
The lsfs output shows something similar to this:

# lsfs /v8_inst1
Name Nodename Mount Pt VFS Size Options Auto Accounting
/v8_inst1 v8node1 /net2/v8_inst1 nfs -- bg,soft,intr,nosuid yes no


Remount the DB2 instance home directory without the "nosuid" option, which requires that you reboot the system. You can verify the change by running either the lsfs or mount command. Ensure that the "nosuid" option is not displayed in the output for the file system where DB2 instance home directory resides.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Database Objects\/Config - Instance","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"8","Edition":"Enterprise;Workgroup","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

