Select a help topic by 'clicking' on it. The page will then scroll downwards to the description of the selected topic. You can go back to the top of the page by selecting 'Back to top'. In the menu, select 'sign in' to enter the license management support application or close the window or browser session that is displaying this page to exit.

Help for:

Signing in

Signing in

From the landing page, press the sign in button to get to the sign in page, where you'll enter your IBM ID and password. If you need an ID, you can register for one now. If you forget your password, a link is available to help.

Note that some functions in the application require that the user is authorized separately. Contact your local IBM representative if you need help on how to get authorized.
When you press the sign in button, your credentials are validated, and you are taken to the License Management Support top page. From here you can manage your License Management Support activity.

Just like any other secure system, it is very important to sign out when you are finished working in the License Management Support application.