How to Use the HMC

7.2 Installing Software Using the Setup Wizard

The HMC Guided Setup Wizard

The Guided Setup Wizard can be used for the initial installation of the HMC software on a new system. It cannot be used for system upgrades of any kind, and is intended only for setting up a new HMC.

The intended sequence of system configuration information that the Guided Setup Wizard asks for is as follows:

  1. Date and time changes.

  2. New password for the hscroot user ID.

  3. New password for the root user ID.

  4. Optionally, the user ID, password, and permissions for any additional users.

  1. Network settings:

    • Host name, domain name, computer description, whether or not to use DNS (and, if so, the server search order and domain suffix search order), and routing information.

    • For each ethernet network interface, whether it is for the private or public network, the media speed, whether or not to enable the DHCP Server (which is only applicable if the interface is for the private network), whether the IP address is static or dynamic and if static, the TCP/IP address and network mask.

    • Firewall information, which includes what ports will allow incoming connections from non-local hosts and, optionally, what specific hosts are allowed to make incoming connections on these ports.

  2. Specifying customer contact information for service-related activities.

  3. Specifying connectivity information for service-related activities

  4. Authorizing users to use Service Agent and configuring notification of problem events

  5. Configuring service applications.

Guided Setup can be initiated in two ways: from (a) a splash panel and (b) the user interface.

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