z/OS DFSMSrmm Application Programming Interface
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Requesting multiple resources for SEARCH subcommands

z/OS DFSMSrmm Application Programming Interface

The DFSMSrmm API can return resources either one at a time or multiple at a time when you specify one of the DFSMSrmm TSO RMM SEARCHDATASET, SEARCHBIN, SEARCHOWNER, SEARCHPRODUCT, SEARCHRACK, SEARCHVOLUME, and SEARCHVRS subcommands together with OUTPUT=FIELDS. Use the MULTI keyword to notify the API about which type of output you can handle. To specify MULTI=YES, your application must be able to handle multiple resources each separated by the begin/end group structured field introducers. When you specify MULTI=YES, your output buffer can have one or more resource groups returned in a single call of the API. Using MULTI=YES helps reduce the system resources used for API processing.

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