RSESSION – controlling a Global Mirror session

Use the RSESSION command to define and undefine the Global Mirror session id to all LSSs participating in the session. Start, stop, pause, or resume the session and specify the amount of time allowed for consistency group tasks.

The RSESSION START and RESUME commands may be issued to any CKD device and LSS in the master storage control. Once the Global Mirror session is active, all STOP, PAUSE, and RESUME commands to the master storage control must be issued to the same CKD LSS where the start was issued as long as the configuration exists. It is strongly recommended that the same device in the master storage control be used for all RSESSION commands. RQUERY output will show the CKD LSS where the Master was started.

If the RSESSION START or RESUME command is issued without consistency group interval, coordination interval, and coordination drain time specified, and the session is already active, the command is accepted as long as the session topology is specified with the subordinate storage controlparameter.

Once the Global Mirror session is started, you cannot issue an RSESSION START command to that session with different performance parameters specified for CGINTERVAL, CGDRAIN, or COORDINTERVAL. To change these parameters, you must first issue RSESSION PAUSE, then issue RSESSION RESUME with the new performance parameters. If you issue a START with different performance parameters to a session that is either active or paused, the new parameters are ignored. If you issue a RESUME without specifying any performance parameters, the default values are applied and any custom values previously specified with START are lost.

When an RSESSION START or RESUME command includes the CGINTERVAL, CGDRAIN, or COORDINTERVAL parameter, it must include all three. None of these three parameters can be specified without the others.

If the RSESSION START command is issued and a different asynchronous PPRC session is already active, the command will fail.