Initializing volume pairs

The XRC volume pair initialization function selects the next volume to synchronize or resynchronize, and prioritizes the volumes from the command's list of volumes. The first priority is to resynchronize existing volume pairs, then to add new volume pairs to the XRC session. XRC selects and adds new pairs as needed according to the PRIORITY subparameter (FIFO or LOAD), which you can specify with the XSET command. See Table 1 for more information.

Table 1. PRIORITY specification with the XADDPAIR command
If you specify . . . Then . . . Notes . . .
PRIORITY(FIFO) XRC processes the volumes that were listed by an XADDPAIR command in the order that they are listed.
  1. First, XRC processes all volumes that are eligible for resynchronization.
  2. Next, XRC processes all volumes that are eligible for synchronization. XRC processes the volumes within the limits that you specified in the SYNCH and SCSYNCH parameters of the XSET command.
PRIORITY(LOAD) XRC processes the volumes that were listed by an XADDPAIR command based on the primary and secondary storage control load in this order:
  1. First, XRC processes all volumes that are eligible for resynchronization. XRC can defer the initialization if the associated storage control has too much activity at the time that the volume is eligible. The volume continues to be eligible for processing when the activity level has decreased.
  2. Next, XRC processes all volumes that are eligible for synchronization. Again, XRC can defer the initialization if the primary storage control activity is too high. XRC performs both resynchronization and synchronization processing within the limits that the SYNCH and SCSYNCH parameters of the XEND command specify.