Step 1. establish consistency at the volume level

  1. Issue the CESTPAIR command with OPTION(XD) specified to establish a PPRC volume pair using the extended distance option.
    CESTPAIR  DEVN(X'F41') PRIM(X'A763' FCA76 X'6B' X'03') 
    SEC(X'A762' FCA76 X'1E' X'02') MSGREQ(NO) OPTION(XD)
    1. If MODE(COPY) is specified with the CESTPAIR command, the volume pair must be in SIMPLEX state. If MODE(RESYNC) is specified with the CESTPAIR command, the volume pair must be in SUSPEND or SUSP(n).XD state.
    2. You can issue the PPRC CESTPAIR command to an existing PPRC volume pair to cause the mode to change without losing secondary updates.
    3. Although the volume pair is established, it is not synchronized. The volume pair is in PENDING state throughout extended distance processing.
    4. While in PPRC XD mode, the secondary volumes are in a fuzzy state and cannot be used for disaster recovery.
  2. Run in extended mode until a consistent copy of data is required for backup purposes, for example.
  3. Issue a CESTPAIR command with OPTION(SYNC) specified to cause pending tracks and potential updates be transmitted synchronously. This process ensures that the secondary volume is consistent with the primary volume, at a point in time. The MODE parameter is ignored when you issue a CESTPAIR OPTION(SYNC) command for an active XD volume pair.
    CESTPAIR DEVN(X'F41') PRIM(X'A763' FCA76 X'6B' X'03') 
  4. Wait for the volume pair to reach DUPLEX state. You can monitor this activity by continuously issuing the following CQUERY command or by setting up automation to monitor when the volume pair is in DUPLEX state.
    CQUERY DEVN(X'F41') 
    Note: At this point, you can suspend the volumes to create a point-in-time copy of all suspended volume pairs.
  5. Create a data consistent copy of your secondary volume.