Required parameters

Specifies the name of an XRC session. This can be any name acceptable to TSO that matches the name of a session that was previously specified on the XSTART command. The maximum length of the name is eight characters. Do not include embedded blanks. TSO ignores leading blanks and trailing blanks.
Specifies the volume serial numbers of the primary volumes to be deleted from an XRC session. To specify multiple volume serial numbers, separate the volume serial numbers with a blank or a comma. Do not specify the volume serial numbers of the secondary volumes. The XDELPAIR command automatically removes the associated secondary volumes from the session. You can specify up to 100 volumes.

See the IMMEDIATE, ATTIME, and DRAIN parameters for information that describes when volumes are deleted based on the value specified with the VOLUME parameter.

For additional information the selection of the utility device, refer to Addressing the utility device selection.