Installation and migration logs

Learn about the different log files that WebSphere® Portal provides to help administrators identify and correct problems with installation and migration.

Installation log files

The IBM® Installation Manager controls the WebSphere Portal installation log files. The IBM Installation Manager records any errors or warnings that occur during the installation. The IBM Installation Manager stores all logs in a centralized location and the logs pertaining to WebSphere Portal can be found there. Typically these logs are found in the following directory:
  • AIX® Linux Solaris: /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
  • IBM i: /QIBM/UserData/InstallationManager/logs
  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\logs

The IBM Installation Manager retains logs from all installations and uninstallations that it does for all products. You can review your entire history. The IBM Installation Manager has a built-in function that you can use to view the logs. On the IBM Installation Manager main page, click File > View log. You can also use your web browser to view the index.xml file in the log directory.

Migration log files

Unless noted otherwise, migration log files are in the following directory:
  • AIX Linux Solaris: wp_profile_root /logs
  • IBM i: wp_profile_root/logs
    Note: Files in this directory are stored only on the local System i5® workstation. You might be able to view them from a Windows workstation by mapping a network drive to the System i5 workstation.
  • Windows: wp_profile_root \logs
The table lists each file, describes the file content, and recommends when to check the file for information that might help troubleshooting migration problems.
Table 1. Migration log files for AIX IBM i Linux Solaris Windows
Log file name Description Problem symptoms
ConfigTrace.log Contains information that is generated each time a ConfigEngine task is run, including trace information that is generated during migration. This file is in wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/log. Check this log if migration stops before successful completion.
upgradeConfigEngineTrace.log Contains trace information that is generated when the ConfigEngine tool is upgraded. This file is in wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine/log Check this log if errors occur when you run the upgradeConfigEngine tool.

To set tracing for the migration plug-in file, which you use to migrate the Deployment Manager and nodes, specify*=all.