Known problems and limitations for OSGi applications

Various known problems and limitations apply when you are working with WebSphere® Developer Tools. Issues include, among others, headers remaining in the manifest after they are deleted and the file is regenerated.

Headers are still in the manifest after they are deleted and the file is regenerated

In an OSGi bundle that is configured with Maven support, after removing a header element from the instructions section in the pom.xml file of the maven-bundle-plugin, the header is still in the manifest after the file is regenerated.

You can work around this problem. Manually remove the unwanted header from the manifest.

A Bundle-Blueprint header is not automatically added to the pom.xml file

When creating a blueprint file in an OSGi bundle that is configured with Maven support, the wizard does not add a Bundle-Blueprint header to the pom.xml file.  This omission is a problem only if the blueprint file is created in a non-standard location (a location other than OSGI-INF/blueprint/).

You can work around this problem. Accept the default location when creating blueprint files in OSGi bundles that are configured with Maven support.