OSGi application samples and tutorials

To view the sample and tutorials in this product, click Help > Help Contents and expand the Samples and Tutorials sections. Learn about different aspects of OSGi application development from the following samples and tutorials:

Sample iconSample: OSGi Hello World
This sample OSGi application contains a servlet that demonstrates the use of an activator.
Sample iconSample: OSGi Counter Service
This sample OSGi application consists of an OSGi web bundle that contains a servlet that accesses a service that is provided in another bundle project. This sample is an introduction to using OSGi application development tools.
Sample iconSample: OSGi Blog
This sample OSGi application demonstrates how to structure the API and implementation code into separate bundles. The OSGi application consists of an OSGi web bundle that contains servlets that access a JPA service that is provided in another bundle.
Sample iconSample: EJB temperature converter
This OSGi sample demonstrates an EJB configured as an OSGi bundle and exposed as a service.
Tutorial iconTutorial: Develop a simple OSGi application
This tutorial demonstrates how to create an OSGi application and run it on WebSphere Application Server. The OSGi application consists of an OSGi web bundle that contains a servlet that accesses a service that is provided in another bundle project. This tutorial is an introduction to using OSGi application development tools.
Tutorial iconTutorial: OSGi EJB service
This tutorial demonstrates how to create an OSGi application that exposes an EJB as a service. It demonstrates how to create OSGi bundles with EJB support, use the OSGi tools to manage EJB exports, and create a servlet that accesses the EJB as an OSGi service.